تاثیر هنر محیطی بر میزان سواد محیط‌زیستی دانشجویان (دانشگاه خوارزمی کرج) براساس مولفه های فرهنگی

نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


1 دانشجوی دکتری تخصصی پژوهش هنر، گروه پژوهش هنر، دانشکده هنر، دانشگاه شاهد، تهران، ایران.

2 دانشیار، گروه ارتباط تصویری، دانشکده هنر، دانشگاه شاهد، تهران، ایران.

3 استادیار، گروه نقاشی، دانشکده هنر، دانشگاه شاهد، تهران، ایران.


هنر محیطی از اقسامِ هنرهای جدید، درکنار رویکرد زیبایی­شناسانه، دارای دغدغه­های جمعی ناشی از مسایل و بحران­های محیط­زیستی است. از سویی، در دنیای امروز یکی از مهم­ترین وجوه سواد بشر، سواد محیط­زیستی است که در سه حیطه آگاهی، نگرش و رفتار محیط­زیستی ظهور می­یابد. این پژوهش، باهدف دست‌یابی به نقش و جایگاه تاثیرگذار هنر محیطی دردنیای بحران­زده­ امروزی، به­دنبال پاسخ به این پرسش اصلی است که، تاثیر هنرمحیطی بر میزان سواد محیط­زیستی افراد با مداخله­ سرمایه­ فرهنگی چیست؟ نتایج پژوهش مشخص می­کند: هنر محیطی به­طرز معناداری بر سواد محیط­زیستی جمعیت آماری موثر بوده، هرچند این تاثیر بر وجوه سه­گانه آن متفاوت بوده­است. مطابق یافته­ها، هنر محیطی تاثیر معناداری بر آگاهی محیط ­زیستی نداشته، اما بر روی نگرش و رفتار محیط­زیستی تاثیر معنادار داشته است. هم‌چنین، سرمایه ­فرهنگی در تاثیرِ محرّک (هنر محیطی) بر متغیر وابسته (سواد محیط­زیستی) تاثیر معنادار نداشته است؛ هرچند بر روی میزان آگاهی محیط­زیستی جمعیت آماری - با اغماض- مداخله داشته است؛ و البته، درحالت مستقل -و نه به­عنوان مداخله­گر-بر میزان سواد محیط­زیستی جمعیت آماری به­خصوص روی رفتار محیط­زیستی تاثیر داشته­است. نوع این پژوهش بنیادین و روش انجام آن، تجربی و تحلیلی به­شیوه پیش­آزمون و پس­آزمون و روش گردآوری داده­ها، اسنادی کتابخانه­ای (دربخش مبانی نظری) و به­ویژه پرسش‌نامه (دربخش اصلی و میدانی پژوهش) می‌باشد.


عنوان مقاله [English]

The Effect of Environmental Art on the Level of Environmental Literacy of Students (Kharazmi University of Karaj) Based on Cultural Components

نویسندگان [English]

  • Mohsen Mousivand 1
  • Seyed Nezamedin Emamifar 2
  • Seyed Reza Hoseini 3
1 PhD Student of Art Research, Faculty of Arts, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran
2 Associate Professor, Department of Visual Communication, Faculty of Arts, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran.
3 Assistant Professor, Department of Visual Communication, Faculty of Arts, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran
چکیده [English]

In the modern era, due to the growing industrialization of the world and the change of lifestyles and the aggressive approach of humans towards nature and its manifestations, many crises and issues have appeared in nature and its manifestations. These crises include a wide range of problems; such as air and soil pollution, water crisis, destruction of the ecosystem, noise pollution, the issue of the ozone layer, cutting down trees, hunting and extinction of animals, etc. All these problems caused environmental concerns, especially for thinkers, social groups and also groups of contemporary artists, and finally the conceptual view of this range of artists and a set of causes and the factors led to the formation of a wide flow of environmental art, the scope of which soon went far beyond the initial boundaries, and it must be said that it is still alive and dynamic. Environmental art flourished from the heart of new art in the contemporary era, although it has historical roots in past eras. New art combines the postmodern conceptual view with industrial facilities and new human products and inventions, such as computers, film and video, internet, etc. presents to the contemporary world. In other words, postmodernism; It is an era for the wide body of mainly idea-oriented and conceptual styles, which is not so attached to countless distinctions and nouns, nor can its artists be included in the group with traditional lines. artistic styles and styles were easily accommodated, and in other words, broad and numerous schools and styles gave way to mostly personal styles, and perhaps the styles and tendencies can be counted according to the number of artists of this era He searched for distinctive and special art. Among the types of artistic movements of this era, we can mention various types of environmental arts, land art, art composition, video art, performance art, body art, event art, etc. In the meantime, with human progress regarding new technologies and the emergence of field media such as film and photography, network, internet and digital media, new arts, including environmental art, benefit from this new category in the best way. they took. This research was conducted with the aim of investigating and analyzing the effect of environmental art on the level of environmental literacy of people (statistical population in this research: the student group of Kharazmi University of Karaj) and in order to achieve more complete results, the role of cultural capital of people (as a factor the interventionist in the research) to investigate and obtain specific results of these effects with quantitative and statistical analysis. Accordingly, the research questions are: "To what extent and with the intervention of which factors can environmental art be effective in the level of environmental literacy of people (group of students of Kharazmi University of Karaj)?" And "Which cultural components have more interference in the effectiveness of environmental literacy than environmental art on the target society of the research?" And according to that, the main hypothesis of the research is as follows: "Meaning with the intervention of cultural capital is effective in increasing environmental awareness and ultimately improving people's attitudes and inclination towards environmental behavior (group of students of Kharazmi University)". New art combines the postmodern conceptual view with industrial facilities and new human inventions, such as computers, film and video, Internet, etc. Contemporary has offered. Environmental art is one of the types of new art, which is directly related to natural open environments, one of its most important concerns, along with the aesthetic approach, is collective concerns caused by environmental problems and crises. In the contemporary era, due to the growing process of industrialization of the world and the change of lifestyles and the aggressive approach of humans towards nature and its manifestations, many crises and issues have appeared in nature and its manifestations, such as air and soil pollution, water crisis, ecosystem destruction, noise pollution, ozone layer problem, cutting down trees, hunting, and extinction of animals, etc. On the other hand, one of the most important aspects of human literacy, especially in today's world, is environmental literacy, which emerges in the field of environmental awareness, attitude, and behavior. This research aims to achieve the influential role and position of environmental art in today's crisis-stricken world, and seeks to achieve a clear and articulate picture of how environmental art may affect the level of environmental literacy of people by considering and intervening in cultural capital. The questions are as follows: To what extent and with the intervention of which factors can environmental art be effective in the level of environmental literacy of people (group of students of Kharazmi University of Karaj)? And which cultural components have more intervention in the effectiveness of the level of environmental literacy from environmental art on the target society of the research? And therefore, the main hypothesis of the research is as follows: "Environmental art seems to be effective in a meaningful way with the intervention of cultural capital in increasing environmental awareness and finally improving the attitude and inclination towards environmental behavior of people (group of students of Kharazmi University)". The results of the research show that environmental art has been significantly effective on the environmental literacy of the statistical population, although this effect has been different on its three aspects. According to the findings, environmental art did not have a significant impact on environmental awareness, but it did have a significant impact on environmental attitude and behavior. Also, according to the Multivariate Analysis Tests, in general, cultural capital has not had a significant effect on the effect of the stimulus (environmental art) on the dependent variable (environmental literacy), although it has interfered with the level of environmental awareness of the statistical population. And of course, in an independent state - and not as an interventionist - it has influenced the level of environmental literacy of the statistical population, especially on the environmental behavior. The type of this fundamental research and the method of conducting it, experimental and analytical in the way of pre-test and post-test and the method of data collection; it is a library document (in the theoretical foundations section) and especially a questionnaire (in the main and field research section). According to most of the writings and researches that have been examined as the background of the research, despite the thematic connection and sometimes some similarities, the present research with a more distinct approach, in a specific and comprehensive way, to the effect of art on the level of environmental literacy. Of course, with the entry of an intervening factor (cultural capital) into the research, it has been compiled and written, a point that has not been addressed in previous researches with this particular point of view.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Environmental art
  • Ecological Literacy
  • Cultural Capital
  • Knowledge
  • Attitude
  • Practice
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