A Study of the Effectiveness of Gestalt Theory in Logotype Design on Audience, Using AIDA Model (Case Study: Logotype of Harir Fabrics Manufacturing Company)

Document Type : Original/Research/Regular Article


1 PhD Candidate in Art Research, Faculty of Arts, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor of the Faculty of Arts, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran


Logotype is a graphic inscription used by business owners, institutions, individuals, etc. to distinguish their name from others. Logos are among the major assets of each brand and play a decisive role in the fate of that brand and business. Also, logo is a basic concept pertaining to consumer behavior, which may reinforce that behavior as a relatively stable characteristic of a trademark/brand. Considering that a logo is a branded asset, proper logo design will have a positive effect on customer brand attitude. Quality and design serve as distinguishing factors for a logo. Graphic designers use various methods to improve logo quality and design. One of the distinguishing features of logos is their gestalt, which refers to their organizing and configuration. Gestalt is a psychological theory that examines humans’ visual perception of their surroundings. Effectiveness has different implications, but in the definition given in marketing management, which is roughly the most commonly used concept in this field, is the evaluation of the position of advertising in attracting a customer for commercial purposes.
Effectiveness is a popular concept in marketing management that deals with the evaluation of the position of advertisement in attracting customers for commercial aims. In order to assess the effectiveness of advertisement, several patterns have been defined the most commonly used is AIDA. Logotypes that are designed using AIDA method, effective advertisements lead costumers through 4 stages of being attracted to a commodity, becoming interested in it, desiring to buy and finally buying it. The current study claims that a commercial logotype may hold the same position as an advertisement and effect customers; and gestalt, which is its basic form, is considered a factor involved in such effectiveness.
For this purpose, a Harir fabric production company logotype with acceptable pragnanz was selected as a representative for the evaluation of commercial logotypes, and its effectiveness evaluated using descriptive survey and AIDA method. This logotype, among with many other commercial ones belonging to fabric producers yet lacking high pragnanz, were put on catalog to be compared. On the back cover of this catalogue, 20 questions related to 4 effective AIDA factors were mentioned. Then the customer visiting one of the fabric wholesalers during a week, were asked to answer the questions before browsing the catalogue and choosing.
The statistical population of this study includes 140 people which according to Morgan table and using the available sampling method, an approximate number of 100 samples were taken and 100 catalogs were distributed along with a questionnaire. The responses format was structured based on five items of Likert scale and its validity was confirmed by some professors of marketing and graphic management. Reliability was also measured using Lizrel 15, which indicated 82% reliability for questions on being attracted, 87% reliability for questions related to being interested, 95% reliability for questions related to desire factors, and 94% reliability for questions related to buying factors. Considering the reliability of all the four factors, it can be said that the researcher’s questionnaire had significance reliability.
The results exhibited that due to containing the principles of similarity, proximity, integrity, continuity, the image-background fit, and high level of pragnanz, the logotype of Harir Fabric Manufacturing Company can influence its customers. This effectiveness proved to be a good demonstration when Harir fabric production company Logotype was compared to weak pragnanz logotypes.
The data showed that costumers are first attracted to logotypes with high pragnanz and then they are impressed by AIDA effective factors. The level of effectiveness was high in two factors of being attracted and becoming interested while in desiring to buy and buying factors, it was a little bit lower yet still effective. Being attracted had the highest rate of effectiveness followed by being interested, desiring to buy and finally buying. Hence it can be concluded that just like advertisements, the commercial logotypes when accompanied by effective factors, may prove fruitful in selling and gaining profit procedures.


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  • URL1. www.logowow.net
  • URL2. www.persiangfx.com
  • URL3. www.shabraz.persianblog.ir
  • URL4. www.shiaarts.ir