Using optical illusion in logotype Design

Document Type : Original/Research/Regular Article


1 Faculty Member of the Department of Graphic Design at the University of Neyshabur, Neyshabur, Iran

2 Faculty Member of the Department of Graphic Design at the University of SHahed, Tehran, Iran



Sight is the most important human sense, through which human becomes aware of the environment and world around him and dominates them. Sometimes the process of visual perception in human is done with a kind of impairment, which can be called Optical illusion. Disturbance in visual perception requires certain conditions that are generally created in the absence of sufficient information, withdrawal from the accepted constraints, or contradiction in the constraints. Numerous factors can affect visual perception such as the amount of stimulation of the vision organ, the impact of the environment on the individual and the phenomenon being observed, and the mental and psychological condition of the individual, etc. There are a variety of ways to challenge the visual perception of the viewer, which is used in the design or implementation of graphic works, from the design of signs and symbols to environmental and multidimensional graphics. In the graphic design, Optical illusion has opened a new space for designers in order to further influence the audiences. Using visual ambiguities in graphic design has led to the production of striking and unique works which have a high degree of aesthetic value. These works are usually very creative and innovative according to the subject they have been designed for. Viewing the works by the audience and understanding its ambiguities creates a sweet challenge that leads to penetration into the mind, becoming works more memorable. Graphic designers of the field of logotype design, with the knowledge and understanding of the writing with regard to the theme of the logo and its function, while appropriately using the form and structure of these arrangements, by providing the appropriate design behavior, while influencing and influencing the mind of the audience, can reach the audience to comprehend the subject more correct and better. It should be kept in mind that a logo, in terms of its application, must maintain its nature and quality in all circumstances. This should be especially emphasized in the logotypes, in which the linguistic elements are used in their design. Any disturbance in the proper reception of the linguistic logo may create another purpose in the mind of the audience. Some of the errors in running and displaying a logo are efficient in a variety of media, such as the virtual and animated media. However, in designing a logotype, taking into account the limitations and capacities of logo, only some methods are useful. In designing a logotype with optical illusion, careful attention should be paid to features such as simplicity and succinctness, applicability in different media and conditions, Uniqueness and creativity, and linking with the subject, along with the reference to cultural identity, and at the same time, the usability for many years, To lead to an effective and efficient logo.
This research aimed to identify the most commonly used methods of optical illusion in logotype design. The results of this research show that it is possible to use just some certain methods of optical illusion in logotype design. And this is affected by the nature and design limitations of the logo. Also, Optical illusions that are presented on a two dimensional surface with the the least details, such as impossible shape illusions, meaning changes illusions, shadow illusions, and illusions of motion, have the most capability to be used in logotype design. additionally Persian logos, based on the Iranian-Islamic script, can be used in all types of optical illusion compatible with the design of the logo, and in some cases also have special capabilities. The varied shapes of the letters, word sections and their structural capabilities, the visual variety of the types of calligraphy, along with the various combinations and layouts, is a very valuable capacity that can be a source for creating treasured, memorable and highly influential works. The appearance of connected words is one of the features of Iranian-Islamic writing, which is considered as an appropriate case for illustrating the use of partial motion illusion. furthermore, in the use of "change meaning" optical illusion, or in other words, in a unitary image with multiple impressions, such as the inversion and the simultaneous use of the positive and negative space, which is found in the writing of Islamic art inscriptions, is a suitable base for provide logotypes that are incisive for mind of the audiences. On the other hand, designing using the visual capacity of a Moaqqali writing in various two and three dimensional. conditions, in the design of impossible shapes, is also considered as the possibility of particular Iranian-Islamic writings in conjunction with the use of optical illusion in the design of the logo.
The paper method of this essay was descriptive-analytical, and method of information gathering has been library studies.




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