Analysis of drawing level of family test in normal and bad parenting children (aged4-6 in Tehran).

Document Type : Original/Research/Regular Article


painting/Faculty Of Visual Civil, Architecture and Art-Department/SCIENCE AND RESEARCH BRANCH/Tehran/Iran


The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between the interpretive indicators (Corman’s Model) in the children's family drawing test. The subjects included 50 children (25 normal and 25 bad parenting children) aged 4 to 6 years old, girls and boys who referred to kindergartens in region 3, in 1397 of Tehran and 3 bad parenting children care center (affiliated with Welfare Organization) in the regions 3 and 5 were selected based on randomly cluster in Tehran. The reason for choosing bad parenting care centers in two districts has been a lack of these children with considered age-related conditions in one are In this research, drawing level of family test has been examined and interpreted; that including (the extent of the lines, rhythm and manner of drawing, drawing area, drawing direction) from superficial construction (drawing dynamic and interaction between individuals), and measured by Chi-square and T-test. Findings in rhythm section showed significant difference; this means that children likely are exposed to hard mental and behavioral, and this issue may be related to manner of child educations by parents, but there is no significant difference in other parts, and both groups have behave roughly the same, that this is notable issue because the conditions that normal children have and the difficult conditions that bad parent children had have and are exposed, it’s expected that normal children to be in a better and normal conditions. The child will reveal to the aid of their struggles and anxiety, thereby reducing their impact. In the field of painting, Freud theories suggest that the child work of the child will greatly affect the wishes and fears of the child, although the expression of these desires may take a symbolic form or become another shield. Most researchers believe that art is nothing but expression of feelings, excitements, and effort to produce an image. Corman, based on instruction (drawing a family system), tries to illuminate the relationship issues. While using a semi - guidelines interview, it suggests that the meaning of drawing content signatures in a way similar to the testing overhang method is subject to interpretation; the profound study of the importance of painting of children eventually leads us to the conclusion that they have worked with children and the therapist of painting and other academic activities. When children are given an opportunity to paint, they feel better. Family painting is a logical place to children to express their individual insights.
Among the child's activities is painting a message. What he cannot say is conveyed to us by drawing the picture. In all ages to adolescent boundaries, most children are engaged in a collection of graphic activities and that way their relationships with reality. painting is an activity that influences the cognitive, affective and social transformation and thus contributes to the formation of the child's personality and psyche. The study and understanding of the drawing language provides valuable information to parents, educators, psychologists and psychologists who want to understand and capture the child secret world. the findings of this study show that the normal child is more disturbed because of the significant level that has been created in the rhythm of the form, and the two influential factors that have not created a meaningful level and the use of straight lines (rational poured), which have not created a significant level, can be found that normal children suffer from anxiety and interruption.
the line without dependence on the content has a strong expressive power and existential power that is derived from it. the line can appear in different shapes: thick, thin, dotted, continuous, vertical, horizontal, angular, spiral, etc. it may be shiny or opaque ; therefore, the line itself has the capacity to represent different psychological states such as sadness, happiness, desire, anger , self-confidence, or like contemporary painting; therefore, from beyond the line there is something that may represent conscious or unconscious mental states of its creator or marker of his personality lines. familiarity with the line goes back to childhood; and almost the two-year-old appears as the natural and instinctive reaction of human art. in these circumstances, artistic visualization begins.


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